09 January 2009

seeking dishes, a midtown series.

cubes & light

sliver and poofs.

go, go, go.

that don't mean we stop it.

What is this dishes phenomenon? I've listened to folks in the office rave about it. Watched them return daily with the signature brown, orange and green bags. Devour large salads. I've been on this au bon pain kick lately. Truth be told, it's the closest thing to my office, rarely crowded and it's cold out. I decided to push myself a little, one can only consume so much Portuguese Kale soup and Turkey Asparagus wraps. OK, so I only made it one block over, but there is was: dishes. I'll give it a shot. See what the buzz is about. Imagine this: massive crowd. Clean and modern white layout. A ridiculous line of desperate faces preying on the kid who was replenishing the Mac N' Cheese.

I didn't particularly feel like waiting in line for a sandwich, so I plucked a container and selected a variety of items from the buffet: sushi, salmon, tofu. I then selected a Tahitian Vanilla Creme w/ Apricot (hey, it's Friday) and house made Pecan Granola for my late afternoon snack. When I returned to the office, I set out my items, to carefully sample. I have to tell you: it really is that good. Unbelievably fresh, expertly spiced (especially for a buffet style layout) and I felt satisfied, rather than full. I understand now.

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