17 August 2008

city dogs 18: Harley, Harley Davidson

"This is Haaarely. Haaaarley Davidson. He's happy to have his pitcha taken."

I stepped forward to give him a pat. Leaning forward, my iced coffee slipped from my hands- exploding on the sidewalk before Harley. Mildly horrified by my clumsy action, I began to apologize profusely, "I'm glad I didn't splatter Harley."

"It's okay, Harley understands. Harley do not drink coffee. He's eight and on medication that does not go well with coffee. Haaaarley, no coffee."

"Please pardon me, let me get some napkins."

"It's okay dear. Haaarley understands. He's just glad you took his pitcha. Now Harley, aren't you glad? Dear, do not worry, you just wasted your money losing your coffee, that's all."

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