08 February 2008


COUNTRY BOYS, a PBS documentary directed by David Sutherland proved to be a staple in college- coupled with Andre (all varieties) and clearly there was the essential: scrabble. Reflecting on the peak of the COUNTRY BOYS days- through the motifs of trains passing through the rural Kentucky town- feral or otherwise stray dogs- and religious slogans on billboards- it became apparent that there is a COUNTRY BOYS quote for any situation.


"What a mess, what a mess, what a mess"

"I could bench press a Buick!"
-Chris (after passing the GED exam)

"You teach me how to drive, I'll teach you how to get food stamps."

"My mother tells me, the only way we're going to be able to afford this new trailer is with his SSI check, and my SSI check. I'm very enthusiastic."- Chris

" My father isn't much of a role model...So I created my own personal hero. Xavier is a character with great power, strength, intelligence, bravery. Not afraid to take on odds. I use this character to keep my problems and my anger under control...Any time I get stressed out, I become Xavier...It keeps me going."
- Chris Johnson

"I'm a sexy mama, I'm a sexy mama. I say it 'cuz it's true."
- Jessica Riddle

"Gimme a grunt."
-Randall Johnson

"I feel like the chicken that crossed the road that didn't make it."
- Ray Riddle

"What grade am I in?" (Corey, later graduates as valedictorian)

"We should go get shots for that some day."

"Tryin' to make it, tryin' to make it."
Corey""They're just now starting to research keeping men pregnant"

Jametta Meade ( sex-ed teacher)"Now I don't think you should mess with what God has created."


(The noises that Jay makes in general).

"Everyone thinks him stupid because of how he speak. He can't read, he can't writer. But, Jay, is, a very intelligent person."- Chris Johnson.

"Out of the fryin' pan and into the fire."- Chris

"You wanna get yourself a woman?"- Jay

"Shit, I wanna have some fun...but seriously...let's watch some anime. Just somethin' to do"
- Chris, in response.

It's just a gem. From the preacher's posture and off-kilter sandals- to Corey's musical ambition- The amazing tee-shirts. Do you ever wonder what happens to the things that do not sell at Good Will? Brilliant. If you enjoy this, or find it curious, I would also like to suggest Sutherland's Farmer's Wife. It's not as polished as COUNTRY BOYS, (which I value as the fillet of Sutherland's work) but absolutely engrossing. The dynamic of Buschkoetter's marriage. Awkwardly executed through Jaunita's disgust with Darrel's inability to support the family, even with her contribution- the way that he stares at her and she cannot seem to make eye contact. It's beyond awkward. Sutherland does an excellent job of developing the individuals in his documentaries.

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