19 September 2011

Scandinavian Babies

Whether you're a parent, or not, do you ever find yourself judging the way folks rear their children? Apparently, it's commonplace for Scandinavian mothers to leave their babies outside for naps, even in the Winter months! As well, babies are also left in their carriages outside of shops and cafes. 

The practice stems from the belief that the cool air is healthy for the child to be exposed to for a few hours a day. Jenny Brandt, of  Southern Sweden notes,"The parents are usually really close by, near the window...I think the whole thing started because the cafés and shops are so small." It's pretty funny when you think about the teeny tiny bodegas and shops we have in New York, which doesn't stop folks from shamelessly blocking aisles! (There's no shortage of critiquing;) 

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