25 March 2012

MadMen Drinking Game (Yes!)

Well, I'm clearly an impatient puppy about MadMen Season 5 premier...Gothamist has posted a drinking game (Chris and I enjoy this...we recently designed a State of The Union Address drinking game:) Here are the guidelines:

Take A Sip...
—When a woman simpers in front of Don Draper.
—When Roger Sterling cracks a joke.
—When Peggy Olsen seems frustrated with being a working woman.
—When Pete Campbell acts weaselly.
—When Lane Pryce is being a horn dog.
—When someone cries in the office.
—Whenever Joan and Roger flirt.
Take A Shot...
—Whenever Don Draper tells someone, "No."
—Whenever Betty is a terrible mother.
—If Bert Cooper takes his shoes off.
—Whenever Sally Draper does or says something that breaks your heart.
—Whenever someone undermines one of their SCDP co-workers.
—Whenever Roger says something slightly racist.
—Whenever a real-life historical event is referenced.
Drink Your Whole Glass...
—If there's a Dick Whitman reference.
—If someone mentions Megan Calvet's teeth.
—If Don steals someones idea.
—If Roger leaves his wife Jane (Bonus: if he does so for Joan).
—If Don and Betty flirt and/or hookup.
—If Trudy Campbell wears a ridiculous hat.
—If Don seduces someone.
Down The Whole Bottle...
—If Don and Joan hook up.
—If Paul Kinsey or Sal Romano show up.
—If Duck Phillips tries to start a fight.
—If someone drives a lawnmower.
—If Miss Blankenship returns from the grave.
—If Harry Crane ISN'T a total douche.
—If Greg Harris (aka Dr. Rape) dies in Vietnam.
Take A Sobering Sip Of Prune Juice...
—For every roommate you have who doesn't watch Mad Men.

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