04 February 2009

It has occured to me that I have broken most of my glasses...

I am down to brandy snifters...perhaps it's time to consider investing in some new glasses. I had thought that green glass would be nice, but Fish Eddy has some fun styles worth considering (although does a serial glass destroyer deserve?):

Carnival Glasses
For when Coney Island is just too far...

Swimmer's glasses. Tread some water.

Brooklyn Glassware
Pay homage to everyone's favorite borough with our Brooklyn glass.

Heroes of the Torah Glass
Goldberg, Hildenseimer Robinovitch and Spector.


Writing Practice said...

The Heroes Of The Torah glasses made my day...maybe my week.. and I am not even Jewish.

Unknown said...

(Me too).

You should check out my other blog: www.sakura-considers.blogspot.com

I discovered a website that has videos of old Jewish guys telling jokes. Good stuff...well, not as good as the heros. But seriously, I need to buy those, right?