06 January 2009

noontime new york public library, a fifth avenue photo series

scatter birds.

putter putter below.

drop down, get where you need to go, son.

les gens, les oiseaux

Something let up this morning, this day. A rough start, the catalyst: a late, bourbon filled evening. No complaints though, time well spent. To pull this afternoon together, Michael and I decided to have a brief meeting at the New York Public Library on Fifth, as he'd never been. How does one live in NYC for half a dozen years and: not? I arrived a bit early, as my office is closer, took a seat on the chairs outside. I cannot begin to explain why, but this is one of my favorite places for people watching. It's not that the patrons or passers are particularly interesting- Perhaps it is the importance you feel as you sit on these wired chairs, positioned above raising stairs, pillars behind you. Judging.

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