17 December 2008

Klaus Biesenbach: Redefining Minimalist.

The January 2009 issue of W is featuring a photo series of top MoMa curator Klaus Biesenbach's Lower East Side Apartment. The tale goes years back to Mexico City, where Biesenbach removed all small objects from his Hotel room and enclosed them in the closet. He admitted the small objects and clutter "made him nervous".

The itch continued into his apartment where not only small, but large objects are sparce. In most cases, they are simply absent. In fact, he has little beyond a $99 mini fridge.

Biesenbach explains, "Normally I have to make so many decisions about the tone of white and the tone of gray. And should this be a half an inch higher, and to the left? So I actually think this space is about making no decisions."

On the apartment itself, Biesenbach clarifies, " I used to think architecture like this was a failure...(but in Berlin) I realized how great it actually feels to live in a building like this. There's a simplicity that is incredibly liberating."

To more view photos by Dean Kaufman, or to read more: check out the W feature.

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